Silver Tree Primary School and Nursery


For our updated RSHE and PSHE policy, please click the link to visit our School Policies page

Through our Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), we aim to encourage our children to:

  • Stay safe
  • Be healthy
  • Enjoy their experiences
  • Achieve
  • Make a positive contribution
  • Achieve economic wellbeing


To support our aims, we have adopted a whole school thematic approach to the teaching of RSHE and PSHE aligned with the RSHE Association Programme Builders which fulfils the statutory requirements of the Relationships and Health Education curriculum.

Our long term plan shows the thematic approach and identified key coverage in our different year groups.

Our key over arching themes are:

  • Relationships
  • living in the wider world
  • Health and Wellbeing

RSHE & PSHE Long Term Plan

A part of our RSHE and PSHE lessons, we allow our pupils to reflect on their learning and understanding in the lesson through individual reflection time. Children are provided with a reflection question sheet adapted for each key stage and they use one of these questions to share their thoughts about the lesson that day. Reflections can be presented in any way the children decide such as a sentence, picture, diagram, key words, thought shower etc.

Reflection showcase coming soon

Links for parents & carers


If you would like advice on supporting wellbeing and mental health, please see the advice below by clicking on the links.

Child Mental Health & Wellbeing – 10 Top Tips for Parents

Parents’ Mental Health & Wellbeing – 10 Top Tips for Parents

We are keen to engage parents and carers in our RSHE and PSHE journey and have recently introduced termly newsletters to share an overview of themes to raise awareness of what is being taught in school. Yearly parental consultations are completed to gain feedback and provide an insight to next steps for the coming academic year. These are shared with staff and plans reviewed on a termly basis.

We ensure this is bespoke to our local community issues and make adaptations when issues or discussions may arise within the classroom or a whole school issue. We also make links with our curriculum drivers and values to ensure skills taught and explored in lessons are made relevant to independent lives of our children.

Over the course of the year we raise awareness of various aspects of RSHE and PSHE such as NSPCC Pants Rule, Child line awareness with the support of NSPCC, anti-bullying, online safety and mental health and wellbeing.