Silver Tree Primary School and Nursery

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

We are a hardworking and vibrant Year 6 class. We work hard and strive to achieve our best in all aspcects of school life.

Our Class

Our class teacher is Mrs Peverall and we are also taught by Mrs Harvey and Mrs Burnside. For further information and termly topic webs, please visit our dedicated Curriculum Page

Our Curriculum & Learning

In Year 6, we focus on a different topic each half term. This topic will create an overarching theme to our learning in other subjects. Topic work allows the children to make links between subjects and gain a deeper understanding.

For further information and termly topic webs, please visit our dedicated Curriculum Page


We enjoy reading our class novel everyday during a dedicated time. We take time to simply be still and listen. We aim to read a novel every half term and make links to our reading and writing lessons when relevant.

Alongside our class novel, we also explore non ficiton texts linked to our topic work to develop of our knowledge and skills. We also supplement our key texts with additional poetry and text extracts during our lessons.

At some point everyday, we share our novel during story time which gives us the opportunity to simply enjoy listening to a story which we then discuss the next day.

Our reading lessons for on developing of skills linked to film clips, novel extracts, images and we use Reading VIPERS to help us with this. Our writing lessons allow the children to learn about a range of genre and write in the styles of these genre.

Autumn Term Novels 

Percy Jackson and the Lighting thief by Rick Riordan 

The Amazon (DK Witness) 

War Horse by Michael Morpurgo 

World War 1 (DK Eyewitness) 

Spring Term Novels 

The Girl of Ink and Stars by Kiran Mullwood Hargrave 

DK Knowledge Encyclopedia Animal! The Animal Kingdom as you’ve never seen it before! 

The Usborne Complete Book of the Human Body 

Wonder by R.J. Palacio


Our Maths lessons focus the skills developed through White Rose Maths. We follow the block planning schedule and differentiate the lessons to meet the needs of the children. We use a variety of White Rose teaching methods throughout our lessons as well as a variety of resources and activities to support learning and provide stretch and challenge opportunities to all our learners within each topic.

Over the course of the year, we will be developing our knowledge and understanding of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Our learning focuses on vocabulary as well as concrete, pictorial and abstract skills to develop the understanding required for each block of work.

Click below to see our Medium-Term Planning for Maths:

Maths Medium Term Planning Autumn Term 2023

Maths Medium Term Planning Spring Term 2024

Our Topic Work

Autumn Term

It’s Electric

We begin the year exploring our topic ‘It’s Electric’. The children will learn about Electricity in Science and make links to other subjects. The children will be reading a novel linked to the theme of Electricity and using this to inspire our reading and writing lessons. Our Humanities work will focus on Geography for the first half term and the children will develop their map work skills linked to the forests of the world, with a study of South America. Our non-fiction text links to developing our understanding of forests. Our Design and Technology work will link to the theme of Electricity as the children become inventors!

Shine Bright!

We begin the second half of the Autumn term with our topic ‘Shine Bright’. During this topic, the children will continue to develop their reading and writing skills through our novel ‘War Horse’. We will learn about light and how we see thanks to our amazing eyes in Science. In Humanities, we will focus on History this half term and learn more about World War One and our non-fiction text will support our understanding.

We will be learning about the impact of World War One at a local level and the difference it made to families in Durham and our local area. Our Creativity lessons will allow us to explore the artists who were influenced by World War One in their work and the techniques which they used.

Spring Term

The Circle of Life

We begin the Spring term with our topic ‘The Circle of Life’. The children will learn about the classification of living things in Science and link this to their DT work as we create a new animal and habitat. In English we will be reading ‘The Girl of Ink and Stars’ and linking this to our VIPERS work and writing lessons. In Geography, the children will be learning about the village of Ushaw Moor and plan their own field trip in the local area.

This is me!

During the second half of the Spring term, the children will be learning more about themselves! We will be finding out how the circulatory system and heart work in Science and then we will learn about healthy lifestyles and how to take care of our bodies. The children will also be learning more about our local History thorough a study linked to the Prince Bishop’s of Durham. During our creativity work, the children will be developing their drawing techniques and skills as they learn about self portraits.


The children will be given a grid of suggested tasks to complete including an opportunity to share their talents. Children are asked to complete one task each week and bringing it to school to share with the class. The tasks completed are worth different amounts of Dojos which will be rewarded in class.

As the year progresses, the children will complete tasks linked to our assessment preparation.

Autumn 1 Homework grid 2023

Autumn 2 Homework grid 2023 

Class Topic Webs

Our class topic webs are sent home via email every half term. These share important information about what we are learning in class and share any upcoming events.

Please click below to see our most recent topic webs.

Year 6 Autumn 1 Topic Web 2023


Archived Class Activities

Please view our Archived Class Activities by clicking the links below: